Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just wanted to join the fun!

Hi all, I thought I would start a blog and add to the family fun. I enjoyed reading what the Chamberlin branch was up to so much. If we ever get the rest of the family branches to gmail we could all see what's up. I love knowing things but I really am phone phobic.

Ok, midwest news. We had spring, then summer now back to winter with spring again on the horizon. I am afraid it will pass quickly to summer once again. We are getting a new brick patio put in and I will make my 1st attempt at planting "stuff". I already have my herb garden in my old weber grill. Don't laugh it's been great. This is my 3rd year.

Jennifer gets her master's degree this Sunday so we will be off to that. Jonathan has some friends in from Australia so the "kids" will all be celebrating in the big city on Friday leaving one full day to recover for Jen so she can actually see her diploma. John is still trying to sell his little house but insisted on upgrading anyway. Does anyone want to move to Chicagoland, he is throwing in the big TV? I am still in weight watcher's (26 pounds and counting) Ed is still retired, that in itself is an adjustment. For both of us.

That's all the news. I am new at this but I thought I would give it a try.

1 comment:

laurel said...

Hi, Happy Birthday, a few days late!
Love the Blog, I love reading them all.

Allison set one up for me, but I dont know how to blog on it!!

Add some pictures! 26 lbs..Great Job!